Sunday, 23 February 2014

A fractured foot

Well, it is confirmed.   My foot is fractured and I am in plaster for a week.  Talk about being given some time!

Hubbie is away so it is proving to be very challenging.  Thank goodness for parents!  He hopes to be back on Wednesday but I don't expect he will be able to come home until Friday.  You never know though!

Next week I go to a specialist for another xray to see how it is healing.  With any luck I will be out of the plaster and into a boot.  Fingers crossed! 

In the meantime, it is movie watching time!  Today was "The Time Travellers Wife"  I Love that movie.  I read the book before the movie was released and loved that too.  I haven't watched in since then so it was a good mornings entertainment.  And yes, I still cried at the end!

My positivity is remaining.  I am seeing the opportunity and the joy in having some time off.  The biggest positive I can find is that I can't drive down to the shops if I begin craving something!  It is my driving foot that is fractured.  So, I have an opportunity to see how my eating disorder responds to being fed healthy food instead of the junk that it craves and demands.   I will continue to document it in my journal and I look forward to seeing what happens.  There is much potential there!

Love and Light


  1. Speedy recovery on your foot and enjoy the time off your feet - sometimes I believe things happen for a reason. Take care, Jen

    1. Thank you Jen. No matter what unfortunate circumstances happen in my life, I also never lose that belief that things happen as they should. knowing that helps you to take advantage of all situations even more. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Sorry about the foot! But it sounds like you are dealing well with it. Stay happy! :)
